With the transition period following UK’s departure from the EU Single Market coming to an end on 31st December 2020, customs reporting between the UK and EU will change.
1. How does it affect your advance filing/customs reporting?
Starting 1st January 2021
UK to EU
All goods from the UK entering the EU via Air or via air carrier surface transport require submission of an EU ICS declaration with the respective port of entry of the EU.
EU to UK
Goods leaving the EU entering the UK via air or air carrier surface transport mode should be reported by submitting the respective Safety and Security declarations to GB customs for shipments except for shipments entering Northern Ireland on a direct shipping route.
Northern Ireland Protocol
The specifics around Northern Ireland are still under negotiation.
It seems clear at this point of time that:
- Goods entering Northern Ireland (regardless of the origin) will require an ENS declaration to Northern Ireland customs.
- A Northern Ireland EORI and VAT number will be required (XI EORI – new country pre-fix = XI) for goods reported to Northern Ireland customs.
Starting 1st July 2021:
EU to UK
Submission of GB Safety and Security declarations for goods leaving the EU entering the UK ( except for shipments entering Northern Ireland on a direct route ) via air or air carrier surface transport mode will become mandatory.
2. CHAMP recommendations
Get the right EORIs !
- Filing to UK Customs requires a UK EORI
- Filing to EU Customs requires EU EORI
- Filing to Northern Ireland requires XI EORI ( new requirement !)
3. Changes to CHAMP applications/services
- If you are a CSP customer, some manual adjustments in the settings/master data will be required in your cargo operations system.
A set of changes will be done through CSP admin screens by your CSP admin, but also an update of program .ini file will be required. For hosted customers, the ini file changes will be coordinated by CHAMP. We will contact you in due course to schedule the changes.
Please click here see to the accompanying document for more details:
For customers using Traxon Global Customs (TGC) to file Safety & Security declarations (formerly referred to as ICS) to UK Customs and ENS declarations to EU Customs, please make sure to:
- Feed TGC with the correct schedule and respective manifest/shipment information (FFM, FWB, FHL, and MVT messages) for the shipments to be filed according to the new rules on a timely manner. The feed of those messages can be activated ahead of the Brexit date. Reporting out of TGC will commence at the Brexit date.
- CHAMP will do the required adjustments to the service prior to the mandated date, including the creation of Northern Ireland as specific country in TGC. The traffic reported to Northern Ireland customs will be added to the traffic reported to UK customs and billed accordingly.
- Please provide us with your respective new EORIs in due time. Depending on your current EORI, as per the above “CHAMP recommendations” this might be an EU, GB or the newly required XI EORI.
4. Useful UK Customs Support links
- https://www.gov.uk/guidance/trader-support-service
- https://www.gov.uk/guidance/help-and-support-if-your-business-trades-with-the-eu
- https://www.gov.uk/eubusiness?utm_campaign=eutransition&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_content=paidsearch-trade
- https://www.revenue.ie/en/customs-traders-and-agents/brexit/preparing-your-business/planning-for-brexit-some-essentials/how-to-prepare-for-brexit.aspx
- https://www.gov.uk/transition
- https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/UKHMRCED/bulletins/2785047
If you have any questions or concerns - or have any more information - please do not hesitate to reach out to your CHAMP contact or marketing@champ.aero.
CHAMP is in direct contact with the respective customs authorities and will provide you with further updates as soon as further information/clarification is being made available.